Friday, May 27, 2011


Well, she’s officially a Kindergartner now and we couldn’t be more thrilled.  We are so proud of what she has accomplished these past three years at Kountry Kids.  Here are some pictures from the big night:
Singing there precious songs about J-E-S-U-S, and Jesus was his name-O!

The 2011 Graduating Class!!!

Her Biggest Fans!! (From top left: My Dad - Mike, Matt's Dad - Den, Matt's Mom - Becky, Bottom Row: My Mom - Janis, me holding Savannah, Matt with Gracie and then Matt's Grandmother

Matt and his Grandmother with Gracie
Gracie and Mimi

The after party at Pizza Hut with the family!  She was so excited about her Graduation Gifts from Mimi and Pop, Grandma and Papa and Uncle Brett, Aunt Lala and Jackson!!! 
So excited about getting MONEY!!  But who isn't a fan of a card containing money?!?!
End of the Year Water Party at Kountry Kids!
Slippin' and a Slidin'
Gracie told one of the teachers, Ms. Linda that "this was the best day ever!!"
Savannah got to join in on the party - CUPCAKES!!
Cake Face!
What a great year Gracie has had thanks to a very special Teacher, Mrs. Katie Dukes!!

So, there you have it - her pre-school years are over and it is on to bigger things next year at "the Big School."  What a great time we have had at Kountry Kids.  I am thrilled that Savannah will start on July 11th and will be able to experience the same love, fun and learning that Gracie did. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Pre" Pre-K Graduation!

For the last week I have been struggling to grasp the concept that my baby girl is graduating from Pre-School.  I know to some this is soooo not a big deal, but for some reason it is really affecting me.  I have always been a person that likes a controlled environment where everyone feels safe, warm and fuzzy.  Even though I seem like a tough person on the outside, I had a mean “I want my Mom” streak when I was younger.  I still do, kind of…  Well, thinking about my little daughter Gracie, so fresh and innocent entering the world of the PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM makes me cringe.  I can’t pinpoint my exact hesitation, but in a nut shell it is EVERYTHING.  We toured the school last Wednesday and I walked away even more distressed that before.  The teachers all seemed very pleasant and genuine and the kids looked very happy and relaxed, but I was still freaking.  Gracie is a very smart child (yes, I am her Mom and I will say that no matter what, but I truly think she is smart); however, her attention span is about 1 minute.  She likes to daydream, look around, think about the weekend, the pool, the river, riding horses… oh wait, that’s what I think about – well anyway, you get the picture.  She is a classic daydreamer – she has a carefree, the world is on my doorstep attitude mixed in with a little bit of high maintenance drama queen. I’m just scared that she will become overwhelmed and crumble.  I know that these fears are probably premature and I should just CHILL OUT and go with the flow.  I mean public school can’t be all that bad right – great kids graduate from the system every day?  My niece is graduating this year, she is a great kid that went to Chiefland Elementary, right?? RIGHT??? (Insert slap and a quick “snap out of it”!) 

I don’t want to be the paranoid Mom, but I am having a hard time not being that.  On our walk back to Kountry Kids from touring the elementary school, I confirmed that parents were not allowed to choose teachers with Mrs. Katie.  Ms. Darlene could sense my anxiety and simply just turned to me and said, “Kari, you just have to pray and ask God to provide the best teacher He can for Gracie.”  And she was right, it is all in His hands – the whole world, right?  I couldn’t of asked for better advice.  It’s true, God will provide for Gracie for she is His child.  He will provide as He has for us thus far and continues.  We just have to put our faith and trust in Him.   

But before I send her off to Kindergarten, we have Graduation tomorrow, a fun summer ahead of us, a 5th Birthday and so many more fun things to share with my “pre-kindergartner.”  I will boo-hoo through the graduation program tomorrow, my mascara will run down my face and I am sure my Dad will laugh at me.  It’s just what proud loving moms do I guess.  She is growing so fast, becoming quite a little girl.  Tonight we painted her toes and nails for tomorrow, oh and her Mimi bought her Tinkerbell perfume to wear to the big event.  How fun is that??  I am looking forward to the event on one hand and dreading it on another.  I can’t stop time, so I might as well embrace that fact that with every tick of the clock a new door is opened for Gracie and Savannah.  A new friend is made, a new word is learned, a new life lesson is taught not only to them but to me.   Congrats to the Kountry Kids Pre-School Class of 2011!! 

P.S. – I will post pics of the Graduate tomorrow.  Fun times at Kountry Kids tomorrow and Friday!!  Graduation and the End of the Year Party and WATER DAY!!! 

Let's Get This Party Started

Oooo my very first post! Just a welcome note from me to you…  I welcome you to read, stalk, wonder and laugh along with me on this journey we call life.  I am a mother to two beautiful daughters, Grace Caroline (4) and Savannah Maria (2) and a wife to Matthew.  They are my everything.  I am a child of God, a Mother, a Wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, an aunt, a sister-in-law and a friend. So, I hope you join me in my ramblings and I hope you find humor and hope in this snapshot in time that we call life.