Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Follies!

I thought I would share some really cute things that Savannah did over the Christmas break. 

We will start with the Annual Kountry Kids Christmas program.  This was Savannah’s first year with the two year olds and her teacher Miss. Melissa.  Side note: Gracie was very shy and hardly ever made a sound and basically had a “deer in the headlights” look going on for most of her programs at KKids.

But Savannah – well that’s a different story.  Just take a look!! (It gets good at the end)


And here's one more - this one leaves me speechless every time.  Poor thing was just a nervous wreck.  Ha, yeah right!  She is just the cutest thing though, I must admit.  :)

A few pictures from her 3rd birthday (12/17/11).  It was a Barbie theme of course.

She was surrounded by her cousins and could not of been happier. 

We had a little cake and ice cream!  YUM!!

Did a little bird feeder craft that included peanut butter.  Yes I know, you're welcome.  Ha!

And thanks to my cousin Katie, my bird feeded turned out perfect!

It was a very good day! 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just a Few Pics...

A little model shoot we had fun doing before Christmas 2011!  Just thought I would share a few....

I took a ton of pics and will share some more later.  The kitchen is a mess and my chore list is calling my  name. 
Side note: planning on changing my blog up a bit - I have a great new name.  Excited!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Opossum Killer!

Met with Gracie’s teacher last night for a midyear check up on her progress.  She had nothing but wonderful things to say about Gracie and her progress in Kindergarten.  Just a little attaboy for her – she has mastered all of her sight words for the year and is going to start working on an enrichment list.  We’re very proud of her!!  Oh one cute thing, we were looking at her work that was displayed around the room and one of the assignments that her teacher asked them to do was to pick out a picture from a magazine and write a sentence about it.  A sentence in Kindergarten – wow how times have changed.  Anyway, my little daughter of course picked a picture of a bass boat and wrote a sentence about it.  This made her Daddy VERY proud.  She didn’t pick a girly fairy or something, but a bass boat. 

One more… this made her Daddy VERY proud.  About two weeks ago we had a chicken homicide in our backyard.  I suspected our bulldog because that’s whose mouth I pulled the dead chicken from, but Matthew suspected the opossum that he found in the pen and then later up a tree.  He is probably correct, but I just wanted to be mad at something at that moment.  Anyways, later on in the evening he came inside and said, “I found your chicken killer, come on I need you to hold the light so I can shoot him.”  Well I gotta tell you, I HATE those nasty things and I was upset about my chicken, but I’m not really a “varmit” shooter so I said, nope you deal with it.  Please!!  Well my little five year old daughter JUMPS up and says, “I will help, Daddy!” and gets her boots on.  He boots are her GO TO shoe of choice.  I don’t even think she had jeans on, just a shirt and underwear.  Anyway, there they go out the door, Matthew with his .22 and Gracie with the flashlight.  I thought, yeah one shot and she will come running back in, but nope, in fact there were about five shots (the scope was a little off Matt said. Uhhh yeah, ya think?) and through the door she comes busting through it in excitement, “Mommy WE KILLED THAT OPOSSUM!”  She was so excited that she helped KILL that thing.  Matt was beaming from ear to ear and was proud that she helped him.  He said she didn’t move a bit and held the light on it for him.  I thought Savannah was going to be our tom boy, but it looks like Gracie is taking on the roll and we couldn’t be more happy.  Poor Matt, he had to go out and get a male dog just to have another man around the house.  Three women, 10 hens and a female bulldog.  J  Just thought I would share. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Get off my blogger and BLOG!

Last post, October, sad really.  I’m going to try to be a better blogger this year.  I need this as a reminder of events that are occurring in my life.  Children, friends, family, etc….

Quick rundown, 2012 is off to a great start.  Girlies are back in school and I’m back to work.  Matt is running his clams all over the great state, so things are moving right along. 

Savannah turned three on the 17th of December.  We had a great party at our house with food and family.  We are truly blessed with a great family.

Christmas was a BLAST – Santa was very good to the girls this year, a little too good. Matt surprised me with a Keurig even though we had agreed not to exchange.  He’s never been a rule follower.  I followed the rules, so I got to feel good and guilty on Christmas morning. 

Gone is the baby room and look out world because we are sleeping on our new bunk beds and free to roam the house in the wee hours of the night.  So far, no roaming problems, but the year is still young.  Gracie is on the top, Biz is occupying the bottom; however, we’ve already had a fight or two about who’s the captain of that ship.  Had a great cleanout of their room during the holidays.  Gracie gets very upset when I do this – she says I’m giving ALL of her toys away.  This time I managed to conquer the room in her absences, so great strides were made.  Looking great!