Monday, June 20, 2011

Tiny Dancer

This past weekend Gracie danced in her first ever recital with D&D Studios.  First of all just let me say that I was not at all looking forward to any of this hoopla revolving around this dancing thing.  Let’s jump back a “few” years to my younger days – I danced one recital, The Little Match Girl, and I promptly informed my Mom that I was not a dancer, nor did I intend to continue my dancing career.  Done!!

Dancing to little girls is a BIG deal, especially when most of their friends attend classes at D&D.  So last July I stood in the HOT sun for three hours to get Gracie a spot in the Combo I Ballet, Tap and Jazz class.  I was BOUND and DETERMINED that my little princess was going to dance, by golly!  So after a year of once a week classes, monthly fees and a costume that will forever be labeled “the first” this past weekend was the pinnacle of her first year of dance – The “Just Dance” D&D 2011 Recital. 

Of course we put her hair in an appropriate ballerina bun and slapped on some makeup and sparkle.  We sprinkled her with “fairy dust” and sent her on the stage.  She wiggled those hips like a champ. We just couldn’t be more proud of her.  All of the dancers did an amazing job – Congrats!!

So, here we are 30 years after my ONE dance career and I have a little dancer on my hands.  Every now and again she needs a little push and a little encouragement, but I think she has taken a liking to spinning and jumping; especially the Bunny Hop! 

On to Combo II staring in August! 
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.  -Wayne Dyer-

1 comment:

  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures .... BEAUTIFUL Grace ....
    I KNOW your cheeks hurt from all the smiling ....
