Friday, July 22, 2011

Mr. Bastow to the OR please....

While Matthew is back there having his gallbladder taken out, I think this is the perfect time to update my blog with the goings on
of July!  Let's start with... 

It was my first “vacation” in several years that I wasn’t having a baby or having surgery – to say it was “needed” would be an understatement.  Because Matthew was not able to take off from his job, the girls and I decided to take day trips. First let me say that any kind of break from driving from Chiefland to Gainesville and back each day is a vacation in itself, but when you add some great Spring trips or Beach trips on top of that, well you have yourself a day in Paradise!! 
Monday – Happy July 4th.
We spent the day with friends in Cedar Key and then watched a beautiful sunset followed by an awesome display of fireworks.  I was truly impressed and surprised by the awesome show that the town of Cedar Key put on this year.  We have enjoyed Cedar Key fireworks for years now, and to hear that this years show was possibly going to be canceled due to economic times, was a real downer for the Bastow crew. However, the fireworks did go on and we really enjoyed them.   I really hope this is a tradition that will keep going for many years to come. 

Tuesday – We’re whipped, so let’s clean!
As a child, many a Saturday morning I was awoken by a strange sound knocking on my door at ohhhh about 7am.  This sound being made by my Mom was no accident – it was the GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED AND HELP ME SOUND which was being made by her slamming the vaccum cleaner against my bedroom door.  For years that sound haunted me, but WOW do I ever understand her reasoning behind it.  Gracie and Savannah have not quite grasped what Clean Your Room means.  Gracie has mastered the art of hiding that in which you have no idea what to do with under her bed, and Savannah’s trait is bring everything you can out of the room and act like you have no idea what is going on.  Nonetheless, it was fun and we accomplished some great things – I cleaned out the girls drawers, the normal house cleaning done and even cleaned our bedroom.  You can see our floor!!!
Ok, enough with the chores Mom, let’s have some fun!!
Wednesday and Thursday were spent at Otter Spring and the Beach.  Who loves to swim??? WE DO!!!  Gracie swam so much she got her first case of Swimmers Ear.  I told her Congratulations – you are officially a member of the aquatic species, better known as a FISH!!! 

Rain Rain Go Away…but we need it so badly.
Did it ever rain – we received six inches of rain during my vacation, but we didn’t complain.  We need the rain so desperately, plus we were so whipped that we embraced the opportunity to sit inside, snuggle and watch movies all day. Plus, Grandma and Grandpa were camping all weekend at Otter Springs, so we the girls thought it was really cool to hang out in the camper and even spend the night!

We started our StayCation with a “bang” and a great July 4th weekend, and ended it with a trip to Chucky Cheese on Sunday night for the girls.  We had a blast and I can’t wait to do it again!!

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